Configuring the Management Interface

The CloudControl Management network interface (eth0) must be manually configured before you can access the CloudControl Management Console.

Before You Begin 

Ensure that the appliance has powered up and completed the boot cycle.


  1. Right-click the CloudControl appliance and select Open Console.
  2. Log in with the following credentials: 

    ascadminuser / Pa$$w0rd123!

  3. Assign a new password to the local CloudControl administrator account (ascadminuser) at the prompt.
  4. Type setup.
  5. At the Do you want to configure a Virtual Management IP address? [y/n] prompt, type y and press Enter.

    Note: The Virtual Management IP is used for high availability. It can be configured now or type n to skip to step 7.

  6. Enter the Virtual Management IP address on the management network interface (eth0).
  7. Manually assign the static Node IP address on the management network interface (eth0), and set the subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses.
  8. Type y to confirm or n to make changes.
  9. At the Do you want to set up proxy configuration? prompt, type one of the following: 

    • If you want to use a proxy for the vitals and licensing services, type y and then complete the following: 

      1. At the Proxy Server IP prompt, enter the IP address for the proxy server.
      2. At the Proxy Server Port prompt, enter the port number for the proxy server.
      3. At the Proxy Server Username prompt, enter the username for the proxy server.
      4. At the Proxy Server Password prompt, enter the password for the proxy server.
      5. At the Do you want to enable proxy for license? prompt, type y to enable the proxy server.
      6. At the Do you want to enable proxy for vitals? prompt, type y to enable the proxy server.
    • If you do not want to use a proxy for the vitals and licensing services, type n.

After updating, the console window displays the URL to access the web-based CloudControl Management Console.